L integration regionale comme premier pas vers l acces au marche mondial? Dans un contexte ou la liberalisation du commerce n'a pas entraine les gains escomptes par les pays sous-developpes et ou la croissance du commerce mondial ne s est pas accompagnee d une croissance economique equivalente, une solution alternative a emergee. Un nouveau paradigme a fait valoir que la liberalisation des echanges devait s accompagner d investissements publics. Cela dit, la nature meme de la liberalisation du commerce entraine une diminution des ressources necessaires aux investissements publics. Sur la...
L integration regionale comme premier pas vers l acces au marche mondial? Dans un contexte ou la liberalisation du commerce n'a pas entraine les ga...
Could regional integration be a first step toward joining the global market? In a context where liberalizing trade has not produced the expected gains in developing countries and growth in global trade has not led to the expected economic growth, an alternative solution has emerged. This new paradigm suggests that trade liberalization should be accompanied by public investment. However, by its very nature, trade liberalization leads to a reduction in revenues from duties and taxes, which means that the available resources for public investments will also be reduced. There are now solid...
Could regional integration be a first step toward joining the global market? In a context where liberalizing trade has not produced the expected ga...