I chirurghi oncologici nella loro pratica clinica quotidiana spesso sono chiamati ad affrontare situazioni particolari o molto complesse che devono quindi essere in grado di individuare e di saper gestire. L aggiornamento qui offerto sulle piu recenti evoluzioni tecniche in chirurgia oncologica e necessario per raggiungere i migliori risultati possibili in termini di remissione e di qualita della vita del paziente. L introduzione delle nuove tecniche presentate nel volume e fondamentale per superare i limiti imposti dalle procedure standard. Nuove tecnologie chirurgiche in oncologia e un...
I chirurghi oncologici nella loro pratica clinica quotidiana spesso sono chiamati ad affrontare situazioni particolari o molto complesse che devono qu...
Indications for central venous cannulation in critically ill patients have increased dramatically, but central venous access has the drawbacks of morbidity and a scarcity of experienced operators. Ultrasound-guided peripheral venous access offers a solution, in that it reduces morbidity and can be performed by a dedicated nursing team. The aim of this book is to teach the fundamentals of this emerging technique. Advice is provided on choice of materials; maneuvers for positioning of peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICCs), techniques for evaluation of PICC tip placement;...
Indications for central venous cannulation in critically ill patients have increased dramatically, but central venous access has the drawbacks of morb...
Indications for central venous cannulation in critically ill patients have increased dramatically, but central venous access has the drawbacks of morbidity and a scarcity of experienced operators.
Indications for central venous cannulation in critically ill patients have increased dramatically, but central venous access has the drawbacks of morb...