Work Research and analysis of fundamental definitions of optical systems in prevention of catastrophes and forecast oriented control of microprocesses was created by Grabovoi G.P. in Russian in 1999. The Work has been implemented with the use of the author's method of digital analysis of the form of information.
Work Research and analysis of fundamental definitions of optical systems in prevention of catastrophes and forecast oriented control of microprocesses...
Study guide on the course by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi "Technology of preventive forecasting and safe development" The work "Applied structures of the creating field of information" was created by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi in Russian in February, 1998
Study guide on the course by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi "Technology of preventive forecasting and safe development" The work "Applied structures of th...
The text of the work was first created by Grabovoi G.P. during the seminar the 4th of November 2003. When creating the seminar the method of eternal development with the exact forecasting of future events was applied. 100% confirmation of forecasts made by Grabovoi G.P. is proved in protocols and certificates, published in 3-volume edition "Practice of control. Way of salvation." When creating the text of the seminar Grabovoi G.P. at first got exact forecast of future events and then created the text teaching the eternal development taking into account the specific events of the future,...
The text of the work was first created by Grabovoi G.P. during the seminar the 4th of November 2003. When creating the seminar the method of eternal d...
The text of the work was first created by Grabovoi G.P. during the seminar the 4th of August 2003. When creating the seminar the method of eternal development with the exact forecasting of future events was applied. 100% confirmation of forecasts made by Grabovoi G.P. is proved in protocols and certificates, published in 3-volume edition "Practice of control. Way of salvation." When creating the text of the seminar Grabovoi G.P. at first got exact forecast of future events and then created the text teaching the eternal development taking into account the specific events of the future,...
The text of the work was first created by Grabovoi G.P. during the seminar the 4th of August 2003. When creating the seminar the method of eternal dev...
"Numbers for successful business" writing was originated by Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich in russian language in 2004 was complemented by Gr abovoi G.P.
"Numbers for successful business" writing was originated by Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich in russian language in 2004 was complemented by Gr abovoi G.P.
Pri sozdanii teksta seminara Grabovoj G.P. snachala poluchal tochnyj prognoz budushhih sobytij i zatem sozdaval tekst, obuchajushhij vechnomu razvitiju s uchetom konkretnyh sobytij budushhego, kasajushhihsja kazhdogo i vsego mira.
Pri sozdanii teksta seminara Grabovoj G.P. snachala poluchal tochnyj prognoz budushhih sobytij i zatem sozdaval tekst, obuchajushhij vechnomu razvitij...