This is the first in a series of adventures of one of America's heroes, Biff Baxter. This installment is a first hand account of an Intelligence Analyst trek from Basic Training through his regular tour of duty...with a twist - this analyst entered into the Black Ops world where he became one of America's top Human Intelligence Assets - a Super Spy. Follow along as his journeys take you to a world of unsavory characters, exotic places, and yes, even a beautiful woman or two... or ten. Biff Baxter is a National Asset fighting and surviving to secure our freedom.
This is the first in a series of adventures of one of America's heroes, Biff Baxter. This installment is a first hand account of an Intelligence Analy...
A historic U.S. Document is creating friction between two world powers - Russia and the United States. And now, Biff Baxter is the only hope to bring calm to a chaotic situation... or is it the other way around? Follow America's Super Spy - Biff Baxter as he engages the unlikely foe and fights them from Alaska to Bahrain. Climb behind the scenes of the Restricted Access world and Black ops. Cheer on Biff as he continues his protection of America. Dashing good looks and incredible smarts, he promulgates spy effort for America.
A historic U.S. Document is creating friction between two world powers - Russia and the United States. And now, Biff Baxter is the only hope to bring ...