Many people have a hard time getting anywhere in life because everyone else is always telling them what to do. They go to college and major in underwater basket weaving because Mom, Dad, or Aunt Fruschie wanted to do the same and never got the chance. This stigma keeps a person from moving forward in what they really want to do. How to... Get Over Yourself, Get Out of Your Own Way, and Get What YOU Want Out of Life will help the reader recover from the stigma of doing what everyone else wants and move into doing what they were created to do
Many people have a hard time getting anywhere in life because everyone else is always telling them what to do. They go to college and major in underwa...
Are you ready to Let Go of your P.A.S.T? People, Places, Possibilities, And Situations Terminated These things hold you back and hinder you from moving forward into your divine destiny and purpose. Many people find it hard to Let Go of the P.A.S.T. because the P.A.S.T. is comfortable. It is like an old bathrobe that you can't bear throwing away because it is just so darn comfortable. It's like that nasty pair of tennis shoes that should have long bitten the dust but hasn't because they feel like an nice, worn-in pair of house slippers. Your P.A.S.T. is intent on keeping you right where you...
Are you ready to Let Go of your P.A.S.T? People, Places, Possibilities, And Situations Terminated These things hold you back and hinder you from movi...
The Baby Chronicles is the story behind the scenes of creation of four -pre-born- baby girls who eventually meet in the US Army: Beverley, Emmaline, Joyce, and Margarette Ann. Although many of the pre-borns you meet are excited about the prospect of having an -Earth assignment, - at least three of the main four would rather stay in Heaven with Abba. They don't want to carry out their mission on Earth, especially with the families they have been assigned to. If you have ever wondered where you were before you existed on Earth this book will give you pause to think of the possibilities...
The Baby Chronicles is the story behind the scenes of creation of four -pre-born- baby girls who eventually meet in the US Army: Beverley, Emma...