This collection of Icon Contemporary Short Stories is a series of male experiences to varying degrees of depth. It looks at the gay experience with modern day living for most of us and it connects us with a certain understanding of the human heart. Please note, that some of these stories are in other eBook collections. Table of Contents: 1) Introduction 2) The Difference Between Buddies And Lovers 3) The Stones On The Floor 4) The E-Mail Message 5) The Measure Of Love 6) Oh Shit 7) The Abyss 8) The Understanding 9) Earl's Child 10) The Wrong Voice Far Away 11) The Thin Line
This collection of Icon Contemporary Short Stories is a series of male experiences to varying degrees of depth. It looks at the gay experience with mo...
A continuation of the wonderful collection of gay short fiction fables from around the world. The creation of these stories were based upon some cultural awareness of gay men in history and in some cultures where gay life is taboo. This is a must read for people who are interested in gaining an understanding of gays from different cultures and the human heart.
A continuation of the wonderful collection of gay short fiction fables from around the world. The creation of these stories were based upon some cultu...
CROSSOVERS II: STRAIGHT MEN - GAY ENCOUNTERS addresses the psychological struggle men go through in dealing with their desire or curiosity with same sex encounters. This book looks at what's it like before, during and after such encounters occur. Table Of Content: Introduction CROSSOVER: Collection One 1) Before The Crossover 2) The Stones On The Floor 3) Oh Shit 4) The Understanding 5) New Text Message 6) The Match That Lit The Fire (His Story) 7) It Was The Way He Did Things (My Story) 8) The Truth CROSSOVER: Collection Two 9) The Other Side 10) Holt Cartling: The BMX Story 11) Why I didn't...
CROSSOVERS II: STRAIGHT MEN - GAY ENCOUNTERS addresses the psychological struggle men go through in dealing with their desire or curiosity with same s...
Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out he was gay, falling in love, and dealing with becoming an adult, made it even tougher. "This High School Has Closets" is part of the "Gay Support" series and is about two young male teenagers falling in love during a difficult time in high school.
Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out he was gay, falling in love, and dealing with becoming an a...
Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out that he was gay falling in love, and dealing with becoming an adult, made it even tougher. High school is a challenge. "This High School Has Closets" is a story of two young teenagers falling in love during a difficult senior year.
Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out that he was gay falling in love, and dealing with becoming ...
Une fabuleuse collection de nouvelles gays issues du monde entier. La creation de ces histoires courtes repose sur la volonte de projeter a l'avant de la scene divers personnages masculins gays qui parsement l'Histoire, particulierement celle de pays ou l'homosexualite est un sujet tabou. Ce livre est incontournable si vous souhaitez approfondir votre comprehension des gays par-dela les frontieres. Il vous guidera aussi a travers une fascinante exploration du coeur des hommes. Table des Matieres 1. Introduction 2. Le Voyage et les Joyaux - Arabie Saoudite 3. Et Cupidon Aussi Aima - Rome 4....
Une fabuleuse collection de nouvelles gays issues du monde entier. La creation de ces histoires courtes repose sur la volonte de projeter a l'avant de...
Nate Lawson no sabia la clase de padres que tenia hasta que se enamoro de otro chico del colegio. Y no otro chico cualquiera, sino Mike Sarafin, el chico que le gustaba desde el octavo curso. Te importaria? es la historia de esos dos chicos, sus familias, y su mutuo amor. La familia puede sorprenderte a veces y darte el mayor regalo de todos, su amor y su aceptacion."
Nate Lawson no sabia la clase de padres que tenia hasta que se enamoro de otro chico del colegio. Y no otro chico cualquiera, sino Mike Sarafin, el ch...