"A Hummingbird's Story: How I Came to Be" provides you and your child the opportunity to witness one of nature's miracles. Samantha, a young female Costa hummingbird, shares her story of how "she came to be." This tiny bird tells her own story of how she pecked her way into this world and then learned the lessons needed to survive outside the nest. In her delightful manner, Samantha begins by introducing her parents and then describing her home, the nest that her mother so painstakingly constructed. New vocabulary words are introduced and defined. Imaginations stretch as children ponder...
"A Hummingbird's Story: How I Came to Be" provides you and your child the opportunity to witness one of nature's miracles. Samantha, a young female Co...
Barbara J. Kurtz Christine Naughton Barbara J. Kurtz
The first story of a two-part series, A Hummingbird's Story: How I Came to Be, was told by Samantha, a delightful juvenile hummingbird, who describes what it was like to crack out of an eggshell and eventually fledge from the comfortable nest built by mom. Sebastian, her nest-mate and big brother, takes his turn at storytelling in this book, Sebastian's Neighborhood: A Hummingbird's Story. He describes what life is like in his "neighborhood." Colorful, detailed photographs are used to provide a realistic view of these intriguing birds. Why male birds are often more colorful than female birds;...
The first story of a two-part series, A Hummingbird's Story: How I Came to Be, was told by Samantha, a delightful juvenile hummingbird, who describes ...