Perhaps the most controversial aspeat of this volume is the number (V) assigned to the aonferenae in this series. Actually, the first aonferenae to be held under the title ' tomia Collisions in Solids" was held at Sussex University in England in 1969 and the seaond at Gausdal, Norway in 19?1, whiah would logically make the aonferenae held at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, U. S. A. in 19?3 the third (III). However, the appearance of the proceedings of the 19?1 Gausdal Conference (published by Gordon and Breaahj bore the number IV. The reasoning behind this was that, in. faat, two pre- vious...
Perhaps the most controversial aspeat of this volume is the number (V) assigned to the aonferenae in this series. Actually, the first aonferenae to be...