Largo FL, July 7, 2011, PR Newswire/-- SHORT ORDERS: Food Stories and Travels is fiction and non-fiction about food in our lives. Savor these quirky, sometimes thought-provoking, slices-of-life.
Haggis embarrassment Subway refreshments -- Brazil yesterday Coconut lifeline -- Everglades dining -- Chocolate that couldn t melt -- Nude on a sushi platter -- Hippie ending -- Where cookbooks get written -- Iron Chef farce -- Doggy-bag indexing Brewsky in Greece -- French army potato salad -- Jason s parents tinis -- Big Easy hangover Picnic spoiler -- Elevator passion Blackmail beauty...
Largo FL, July 7, 2011, PR Newswire/-- SHORT ORDERS: Food Stories and Travels is fiction and non-fiction about food in our lives. Savor these quir...
(Description of MORE SHORT ORDERS by Marty Martindale) SHORT ORDERS are little mind visits to places you wouldn't ordinarily go. In her second book, MORE SHORT ORDERS, Martindale still leans on food in our lives along with her concept of the big evolutionary picture through which all people and things progress. Life is a series of SHORT ORDERS. Very little in life remains as originally conceived. To live happily, we must expect this. In MORE SHORT ORDERS Discover a new fruit ... Get your food thrown out by your doctor ... Visit your old bully ... Turn down a movie contract ... Concern...
(Description of MORE SHORT ORDERS by Marty Martindale) SHORT ORDERS are little mind visits to places you wouldn't ordinarily go. In her second book, M...