Written as a response to political change, The League of Youth is a blackly satirical comedy about political ambition and opportunism, the conflicts of class, the difficu;ties of breaking open long-established systems and the ways in which political expediency can lay waste to idealism.
Written as a response to political change, The League of Youth is a blackly satirical comedy about political ambition and opportunism, the conf...
Norwegian-born Henrik Ibsens classic play about the struggle between independence and security still resonates with readers and audience members today. Often hailed as an early feminist work, the story of Nora and Torvald rises above simple gender issues to ask the bigger question: To what extent have we sacrificed our selves for the sake of social customs and to protect what we think is love? Noras struggle and ultimate realizations about her life invite all of us to examine our own lives and find the many ways we have made ourselves dolls and playthings in the hands of forces we believe to...
Norwegian-born Henrik Ibsens classic play about the struggle between independence and security still resonates with readers and audience members today...
Hedda's married name is Hedda Tesman; Gabler is her maiden name. On the subject of the title, Ibsen wrote: "My intention in giving it this name was to indicate that Hedda as a personality is to be regarded rather as her father's daughter than her husband's wife." Hedda Gabler, daughter of an aristocratic general, has just returned to her villa in Kristiania (now Oslo) from her honeymoon. Her husband is Jorgen Tesman, an aspiring, young, reliable (but not brilliant) academic who has combined research with their honeymoon. It becomes clear in the course of the play that she has never loved him...
Hedda's married name is Hedda Tesman; Gabler is her maiden name. On the subject of the title, Ibsen wrote: "My intention in giving it this name was to...