Stunning collage art full of rich color, glorious details, and a sense of wonder--reminiscent of the work of Ezra Jack Keats--illustrate this delightful story celebrating the poetry found in the world around us.
What is poetry? Is it glistening morning dew? Spider thinks so. Is it crisp leaves crunching? That's what Squirrel says. Could it be a cool pond, sun-warmed sand, or moonlight on the grass? Maybe poetry is all of these things, as it is something special for everyone--you just have to take the time to really look and listen. The magical thing is that poetry is in everyone,...
Stunning collage art full of rich color, glorious details, and a sense of wonder--reminiscent of the work of Ezra Jack Keats--illustrate this delightf...
From a hammam in Turkey to a maqii on the Alaskan tundra, this colorful picture book shares the bath-time battle that happens every night, around the world. "Yes, yes " say the grown-ups, "No, no " say the children, and the chase is on
A lively look at bath time around the world.
From a hammam in Turkey to a maqii on the Alaskan tundra, this colorful picture book s...
WINNER OF THE CALDECOTT HONOR MEDAL Es hora de dar un paseo maravilloso… ¡Abre estas páginas y disfruta de un día de descubrimientos! ¿Estás listo para un paseo maravilloso? Entonces sal afuera. Deja volar tu imaginación y tu curiosidad... y pronto verás el mundo desde una perspectiva completamente nueva. Los collages increíblemente detallados de Micha Archer dan vida a las maravillas del mundo natural y demuestran lo divertido que puede ser explorarlas.
WINNER OF THE CALDECOTT HONOR MEDAL Es hora de dar un paseo maravilloso… ¡Abre estas páginas y disfruta de un día de descubrimientos! ¿Est...