There is so much going on with our changing and shifting planet and sun. We are all innundated by these changes. Why they are happening? Why are there so many predictions out there? What can we do about them? How can we help our planet and everything on it? As a "Silent Psychic," the information in this small book has been dictated to me by Mind Lucius, I-O and Co. to help us all. Read on
There is so much going on with our changing and shifting planet and sun. We are all innundated by these changes. Why they are happening? Why are there...
We've just finished the first year of the New Golden 'Aquarian Age which began December 21, 2012 according not only to the Mayan Calendar, but to a wide variety of sources world-wide. It's not been an easy transition in so many ways as we all know. QUO VADIS 2013 AND BEYOND (What do we do NOW?), by Jean Gerson-Greer, with Mind Lucius, I-O and Co., gives you the necessary steps to help to achieve the ultimate New Golden Aquarian Age.
We've just finished the first year of the New Golden 'Aquarian Age which began December 21, 2012 according not only to the Mayan Calendar, but to a wi...