Do you want to experience a more loving, intimate life with the one you love? There is hope for couples who are struggling to keep their union together. The fine line between a mundane relationship and an extraordinary one depends on what you bring to it.
In "Confessions of a Recovering Stupid Male," Mike Love shares the story of his own troubled journey, from being a self-centered, immature, and angry man to a more open, loving, and compassionate person.
Through his own struggles, Mike has transformed his ordeals into wisdom that he shares with men who are at that critical turning...
Do you want to experience a more loving, intimate life with the one you love? There is hope for couples who are struggling to keep their union toge...
Relationships are wonderful when everything is going smoothly. However, when things are not going smoothly conflict and problems arise. It can be exceedingly difficult to resolve these conflicts and problems the two people who are involved in a relationship normally don't see everything eye to eye or view or interpret issues in the same light. As a result disappointment and frustration sets in and consumes the relationship. This is the stage where the relationship starts to literally "suck." A relationship that reaches this stage and remains in it for a prolong period of time is obviously...
Relationships are wonderful when everything is going smoothly. However, when things are not going smoothly conflict and problems arise. It can be exce...