The Whirlwind Bides His Time is a collection of sonnets that will take you through the Church calendar. With one sonnet for each Sunday (plus a few more for Holy Week) Carlson will bring you through the history of God's people, and the work of God, giving everything a poetic slant that will help you to see, not just what God has done, but your place in the story as well. A talented poet, and the author of The Lay of Creation, Joseph Carlson's sonnets are an excellent place to meet the church year.
The Whirlwind Bides His Time is a collection of sonnets that will take you through the Church calendar. With one sonnet for each Sunday (plus a few mo...
Conceived as a follow up to The Lay of Creation and written in the same style, The Lay of Redemption continues the story of God's plan of salvation woven through the fabric of this world's history. Tracing the line of grace through seven shadows or types of Christ, this poem illuminates their histories in light of the promise made to Eve in the garden, and shows how each find their fulfillment in Jesus.
Conceived as a follow up to The Lay of Creation and written in the same style, The Lay of Redemption continues the story of God's plan of salvation wo...