In the past migrations opened the world to knowledge, science, and understanding among peoples, but increasingly migrants are viewed with disfavour and even hate, especially in the Mediterranean Basin and the MENA Region. I had published with two other scholars a book intended to promote the rights of migrants in 2015, but today the situation has become so much worse, particularly in our chosen area, that I believe the time has come to re-examine the situation. A number of issues conspire to render the fate of migrants truly desperate, as they are forced to leave their lands that, due to the...
In the past migrations opened the world to knowledge, science, and understanding among peoples, but increasingly migrants are viewed with disfavour an...
This title explores the worsening plight of people displaced by environmental change and degradation. It presents extensive case law analysis with recommendations for practice.
This title explores the worsening plight of people displaced by environmental change and degradation. It presents extensive case law analysis with rec...
This volume explores the factors that give rise to the number of people seeking asylum and examines the barriers they currently and will continue to face. Divided into three parts, the authors first explore the causality that generates displacement, examining climate change, illegal conflicts and the deprivation of natural resources. They argue that all of these problems either originate from human agency directly, or are strongly influenced by human activities, particularly those of wealthy countries in the North West. The study goes on to discuss how migrants are received and the problems...
This volume explores the factors that give rise to the number of people seeking asylum and examines the barriers they currently and will continue to f...
It is increasingly argued that a focus on environmental sustainability is fundamental to effective and equitable governance, and ultimately for the good of mankind. This book argues that, in the face increasing environmental challenges, it is essential to recognise the role that ecological integrity has played, and must play, in governance for environmental sustainability in order to ensure the future survival of life on earth.
Ecological integrity encompasses not only the necessity of respect for nature, but also the human right to a sound and healthy environment. The author shows that...
It is increasingly argued that a focus on environmental sustainability is fundamental to effective and equitable governance, and ultimately for the...
Proponents of the concept of ecological integrity argue that it is a necessary component of global governance on which the sustainable future of the planet and its inhabitants depends. This book presents the latest research and current thinking on the role of ecological integrity in support of life on Earth and the importance of governance for the common good, or the benefit of all.
The book considers whether present forms of governance support the common good, or whether they are endangering its very foundations. It explores the connection between consumerism and capitalism, the...
Proponents of the concept of ecological integrity argue that it is a necessary component of global governance on which the sustainable future of th...