The Land of Israel belongs to Israel, given to them by GOD YHWH. Hebrew & Christian Bibles & Koran state this truth but is denied by Arab Christians and Muslims. Genesis 15:18,"Unto thy SEED have I given this Land." Koran: Sura 10:89 "We settled Israelites in a blessed land and provided them with good things" & Sura 34:12 "We said, give thanks House of David" & Sura 5:21 about Moses & Israel, "Enter my people, the holy land which Allah has assigned for you." After 2,000 years of exile, Israel returned to their Land only to fight wars and wars of public opinion. Jews are denied any connection...
The Land of Israel belongs to Israel, given to them by GOD YHWH. Hebrew & Christian Bibles & Koran state this truth but is denied by Arab Christians a...
Jewish father determines a Jewish child not a mother. Patrilineal descent was the only recognized linage in Israel. GOD'S Covenant to circumcise Abraham and his SEED established YHWH as his and his SEED'S GOD. Sinai established circumcision as written Law. Children of patriarchal society in Israel were identified by linage of the father. In Rabbinic Judaism matrilineal descent is falsely used to determine Jewishness. An artificial separation between Jewish male circumcision and his GOD YHWH was made. Rabbis stopped male SEED passing on his own Jewishness to his children. But as earth receives...
Jewish father determines a Jewish child not a mother. Patrilineal descent was the only recognized linage in Israel. GOD'S Covenant to circumcise Abrah...
Jewish father determines a Jewish child not a mother. Patrilineal descent was the only recognized linage in Israel. GOD'S Covenant to circumcise Abraham and his SEED established YHWH as his and his SEED'S GOD. Sinai established circumcision as written Law. Children of patriarchal society in Israel were identified by linage of the father. In Rabbinic Judaism matrilineal descent is falsely used to determine Jewishness. An artificial separation between Jewish male circumcision and his GOD YHWH was made. Rabbis stopped male SEED passing on his own Jewishness to his children. But as earth receives...
Jewish father determines a Jewish child not a mother. Patrilineal descent was the only recognized linage in Israel. GOD'S Covenant to circumcise Abrah...