Tsunami Beaches: a tale of love and loss, hope and despair, innocence and passion When you look at a beach and say "this is paradise" or when you look at garbage and say "this is trash" the wording itself has so habituated your mind that the emotion it creates comes between you and what you actually see. To experience the true reality of that beach or trash, you must thus observe beyond words or labels, your heart must touch it. To grasp reality you must disregard outer labels, and let your innermost innocent matter observe what is there, with true love and affection. Love cannot be based on...
Tsunami Beaches: a tale of love and loss, hope and despair, innocence and passion When you look at a beach and say "this is paradise" or when you look...
How can we survive when we are under constant attack? How can we survive when our home is destroyed and loved ones are dead? One answer is about total surrender to reality, to what is in our minds, inside our bodies, and outside in the immense word around us. A second answer is about letting you die, every day, to everything you ever wanted to have, or never wanted to lose. True meditation is about observing objects or thoughts as they are, without interference from your disturbing cognitive mind.
How can we survive when we are under constant attack? How can we survive when our home is destroyed and loved ones are dead? One answer is about total...
The book is about strange events which took place some years ago. Tom gave me a vision and Carol took me to Scotland where I found an already dead little boy. Evil powers infested me and forced me to seek treatment in China, where pastlife figures took me deep into hell. I met Flora who maybe never was real and Walter who never seemed to understand. Professor M treated my disorder, JM applied Dragon Acupuncture on lethal unresolved conflicts, and Mai taught me Tai Chi. Sheila and Ken got a baby girl.
The book is about strange events which took place some years ago. Tom gave me a vision and Carol took me to Scotland where I found an already dead lit...
Tao Te Ching's visdom har funnits sedan vi manniskor borjade skapa samhallen. Den ar trots det mer aktuell nu an nagonsin tidigare. Ta del av den, forsta den med din intuition och och anvand dig av den. Tank sedan over om det gor sa mycket att varlden gar under. For om varlden gar under sa finns anda Tao kvar. Det ar om Tao som boken handlar. Detta Tao som bade ar evig och oandlig. Tao som inte kan beskrivas och som vi aldrig kan forsta pa annat satt an genom kontakt med vart innersta, vart ursprung. Skulle vi manniskor folja Tao sa skulle jorden igen bli ett paradis. I vantan pa att det ska...
Tao Te Ching's visdom har funnits sedan vi manniskor borjade skapa samhallen. Den ar trots det mer aktuell nu an nagonsin tidigare. Ta del av den, for...
Tao Te Ching's wisdom has been around since humans began to create communities. It is however more relevant now than ever before. So, read these verses, understand them with your intuition, and absorb them Then ponder about whether it makes much difference if we extinct ourselves and those other creatures of the world? When this comes about Tao still remains. These verses are about Tao. Tao is eternal, endless, indescribable, and that cannot be understood through learning. We can only experience Tao through our innermost selves, by returning our origin. If we humans were able to follow Tao,...
Tao Te Ching's wisdom has been around since humans began to create communities. It is however more relevant now than ever before. So, read these verse...
Niccolo Machiavelli's "The Prince" is half a millennium old but is more important now than ever before. The book is easy to understand and your heart knows that its suggestions are true. It describes our endless combat for power. It tells us how we may become princes and how we then keep that position. I have condensed The Prince into few words. Historical accounts are omitted and replaced by hand-dyed drawings of 60 flowers and one snake, to assist attention and contemplation. The illustrations also remind you that conflicts and politics relentlessly change, whereas the social mechanisms...
Niccolo Machiavelli's "The Prince" is half a millennium old but is more important now than ever before. The book is easy to understand and your heart ...
Niccolo Machiavellis bok Fursten ar ett halvt artusende gammal men ar nu viktigare an nagonsin tidigare. Boken ar latt att lasa och man forstar intuitivt att det som star dar ar sant. Den beskriver psykologin bakom manniskornas eviga stridigheter. Den forklarar hur man handlar for att bli furste och hur man sedan blir kvar vid makten. I boke har jag fortatat Machiavellis text till fa ord. Hans omfattande historiska redogorelserna ar ersatta med 60 handkolorerade bilder pa blommor och en bild pa en orm. Det har jag gjort det for att skarpa lasarens uppmarksamhet och meditationskraft. Det ar...
Niccolo Machiavellis bok Fursten ar ett halvt artusende gammal men ar nu viktigare an nagonsin tidigare. Boken ar latt att lasa och man forstar intuit...