Mimi Bennis was a happy girl living a sheltered life of privilege in 1950-1960'a Cuba. But her life was quickly turned upside down when Castro's regime comes calling and ceases her family's Tobacco Plantation. In order to protect her from the impending danger, her grandparents make arrangements to put her on one of the "Peter Pan" flights to Miami. Before she realized what was happening, the life she once knew had disappeared. She finds herself living in a group camp in Hialeah, Florida, without any survival skills and unable to take care of herself. Shunned by her American father, she's left...
Mimi Bennis was a happy girl living a sheltered life of privilege in 1950-1960'a Cuba. But her life was quickly turned upside down when Castro's regim...
Mi Abuela Graciela siempre tenia un "dicho" para todo. Este libro es para documentar las cosas que ella decia, y para recordarnos de aquellas cosas que nos hacian pensar y reir cuando estabamos creciendo. Y para la generacion que viene atras de nosotros, que no se olviden. Chely Schwartz"
Mi Abuela Graciela siempre tenia un "dicho" para todo. Este libro es para documentar las cosas que ella decia, y para recordarnos de aquellas cosas qu...
The Adventures of "Tandy The Teddy" are stories told by a little brown bear that lives in a classroom. Every Friday, the teacher, Mrs. Macy picks out of piece of paper from a jar that contains the names of all of the kids. That lucky girl or boy gets to take Tandy The Teddy home for the weekend. Before returning to school, the child and Tandy write all about their time together in a special "Journal." Then on Monday morning, Mrs. Macy reads the Journal to everyone in the classroom and they all get to share in the "Adventure." This is a perfect book for reading aloud to children. The bright...
The Adventures of "Tandy The Teddy" are stories told by a little brown bear that lives in a classroom. Every Friday, the teacher, Mrs. Macy picks out ...
The Adventures of Tandy The Teddy are stories told by a little brown bear that lives in a school classroom. Every Friday Mrs. Macy, the teacher, picks one student to take Tandy home for the weekend. The stories are the adventures the children share with Tandy during their time together. This is the second in the series. The first one, Tandy goes camping with a little boy named Joey. The series offers also a "Journal" available for the children in your life to write about their adventures with their bear. These are beautifully illustrated book with bright and colorful pictures. Perfect to read...
The Adventures of Tandy The Teddy are stories told by a little brown bear that lives in a school classroom. Every Friday Mrs. Macy, the teacher, picks...
The Adventures of Tandy The Teddy are stories told by a little brown teddy bear that lives in a classroom. Every Friday Mrs. Macy, the teacher selects one child to take Tandy home for the weekend. The Adventures are the stories of their time together.
The Adventures of Tandy The Teddy are stories told by a little brown teddy bear that lives in a classroom. Every Friday Mrs. Macy, the teacher selects...
The Adventures of Tandy The Teddy are stories told by a little brown teddy bear that lives in a school classroom. Every Friday, Mrs. Macy, the teacher, picks one student to take Tandy home for the weekend. The stories are the Adventures the children share with Tandy during their time together
The Adventures of Tandy The Teddy are stories told by a little brown teddy bear that lives in a school classroom. Every Friday, Mrs. Macy, the teacher...