Even as George Lucas' "Star Wars" films are being prepared for re-release in 3D, Phillip Elton Collins, a former director of marketing at Industrial Light & Magic Commercials/Lucasfilm Ltd., goes two steps beyond Lucas' fictional space stories with "Coming Home to Lemuria," an account of a remarkable non-fiction adventure into an extraordinary 5D reality that co-exists with ours here on Earth. When Collins was working with film director Ridley Scott of "Blade Runner" fame, they produced the celebrated 1984 Apple Computer commercial that introduced new cyber communication technology to the...
Even as George Lucas' "Star Wars" films are being prepared for re-release in 3D, Phillip Elton Collins, a former director of marketing at Industrial L...
Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages offers ancient messages from higher realms. Part I of this book is 116 original Sacred Poems. Part II is some 20 Inner Earth Mystical Messages to support our ascension process.
Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages offers ancient messages from higher realms. Part I of this book is 116 original Sacred Poems. Part II is some 20 Inn...
There is an internal force within each of us that can ensure our happiness. It knows exactly what we need in order to be happy. This handbook is filled with hundreds of phrases from our presents and instructions how to use them to become happy or happier.
There is an internal force within each of us that can ensure our happiness. It knows exactly what we need in order to be happy. This handbook is fille...