Sandy Claws is a humorous animal parody of the Christmas stories, featuring a red lobster, appropriately named "Sandy Claws." His quirky animal friends share the entire Christmas experience, culminating in the daring Christmas Eve flight to provide gifts for those in need. The satirical spoof features the warmth of close friends, danger, and subtle lifetime lessons. Originally a bedtime story the author told to his small children some thirty-five years ago, the narration is being released as a book for his grandchildren's generation to enjoy.
Sandy Claws is a humorous animal parody of the Christmas stories, featuring a red lobster, appropriately named "Sandy Claws." His quirky animal friend...
Lasers are relatively recent additions to the analytical scientist's arsenal. Because of this, many analysts-whether their concern is research or some range of applications-are in need of a tutorial introduction not only to the principles of lasers, their optics, and radiation, but also to their already diverse and burgeoning applications. The artic1es presented in this volume, carefully enhanced and edited from lectures prepared for the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry 1979 Summer Symposium, are designed to provide just such a broad introduction to the subject. Thus, in addition to...
Lasers are relatively recent additions to the analytical scientist's arsenal. Because of this, many analysts-whether their concern is research or some...
With a hundred haikus, each accompanied by a wonderful full-page illustration and enlightening commentary, this book is perfect for those looking for a more poetic exploration of the Roman Empire.
With a hundred haikus, each accompanied by a wonderful full-page illustration and enlightening commentary, this book is perfect for those looking for ...