The wealthy Endicotts, led by the oldest brother, Edward, contract a steamboat to take their large family, servants and horses, up the Missouri river to establish their business in the new frontier. But their dream ends after a vicious attack on the boat by the Nathan Hawks gang, which includes the brutal brother and sister half breeds, Stone Face and Dark Sky. All of the Endicotts and servants are massacred, except for young, Glory Endicott and the beautiful teacher, Janey Shire who are taken hostage. Soon after, a band of horsemen led by the legendary Texas Ranger, Captain Tully Slay, along...
The wealthy Endicotts, led by the oldest brother, Edward, contract a steamboat to take their large family, servants and horses, up the Missouri river ...
As Texas Rangers, Evan Mooney and Bobby Longwell, search for the half-breed killer, Dark Sky they find that a one-eyed man also hunts her. They think that is could possibly be Tyke Flannery and that he wasn't killed at the raid at Pueblo de Coyote. When the killings of two bounty hunters reunite the surviving horsemen they head to the mountains to escape the wrath of Dutch Bastion and his remaining bounty hunters who have been hired by Chicago businessman Josiah Ebeneezer. But, after the murder of a young Comanche girl the hunted become the hunters as the horsemen ride off the mountain to...
As Texas Rangers, Evan Mooney and Bobby Longwell, search for the half-breed killer, Dark Sky they find that a one-eyed man also hunts her. They think ...