CONTENTS: Introduction Klyne Snodgrass --In Him All Things Hold Together-- An Ecology of Atonement William P. Brown Response to Brown Michael LeFebvre Effecting the Covenant: A (Not So) New, New Testament Model for the Atonement Michael Gorman Response to Gorman Troy Martin Response to Martin Michael Gorman --Anyone Hung On A Tree Is Under God's Curse-- (Deuteronomy 21:23): Jesus' Crucifixion and Interreligious Exegetical Debate in Late Antiquity Peter W. Martens --Happily Ever After?-- Paul Peter Waldenstrom: Be Ye Reconciled to God Michelle A. Clifton-Soderstrom Response to...
CONTENTS: Introduction Klyne Snodgrass --In Him All Things Hold Together-- An Ecology of Atonement William P. Brown Response to Brown Michael LeFebvre...
Despite its importance, the parable of the wicked tenants has been an enigma to modern interpretation. The approaches to the parable have been quite varied. Some interpreters place this parable at the apex of the ministry of Jesus, while others assign little importance to it or virtually ignore it. In some cases the conclusions drawn have been unsatisfactory either because of presuppositions that are too rigid or that have been shown to be erroneous by recent developments. Any discussion of the parable is necessarily a complex one in that it involves the relation of the three Synoptic...
Despite its importance, the parable of the wicked tenants has been an enigma to modern interpretation. The approaches to the parable have been quite v...
Description: CONTENTS: Introduction Klyne Snodgrass Finding Happiness in Family Life: Biblical Reflections Stephen C. Barton Response to Barton Luke A. Powery Imposter Happiness or the Real Thing? Marriage, Singleness, and the Beatitudes in the Twenty-First Century Jana Marguerite Bennett Response to Bennett Jo Ann Deasy Jesus, Paul, and Family Values Julie Hanlon Rubio Response to Rubio Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom Tyranny, Authority, Service: Leadership and Headship in the New Testament Lynn H. Cohick Response to Cohick Dennis R. Edwards Revenge, Forgiveness, and Sibling Rivalry: A...
Description: CONTENTS: Introduction Klyne Snodgrass Finding Happiness in Family Life: Biblical Reflections Stephen C. Barton Response to Barton Luke A...
Description: Contents Announcement of the 2014 Symposium Abbreviations Introduction Klyne Snodgrass Visions of Horror, Visions of Hope: An Orientation for Urban Ministry from the Book of Amos M. Daniel Carroll R. Response to Carroll Nathan Bills Early Christian Communities in the Greco-Roman City: Perspectives on Urban Ministry from the New Testament Paul Trebilco Response to Trebilco Stephen Chester The Necessity of Lament for Ministry in the Urban Context Soong-Chan Rah Response to Rah Jessica Rivera Good Citizenship: A Study of Philippians 1:27 and Its Implications for Contemporary Urban...
Description: Contents Announcement of the 2014 Symposium Abbreviations Introduction Klyne Snodgrass Visions of Horror, Visions of Hope: An Orientation...
Contents Announcement of the 2015 Symposium Abbreviations Introduction Klyne Snodgrass The Long Shadow of Augustine John E. Phelan, Jr. Response to Phelan Rebekah A. Eklund Wisdom's Response to the Divine Initiative Tremper Longman III Response to Longman James K. Bruckner Which Humans? What Response? A Reflection on Pauline Theology Beverly Roberts Gaventa Response to Gaventa Nicholas Perrin On Law and the Noachic Covenant: ""Can the Judge of the Whole World Not Himself Do Justice?"" (Genesis 18:25) Jodie Boyer Hatlem The Biblical Noah, Darren Aronofsky's Film Noah, and Viewer Response to...
Contents Announcement of the 2015 Symposium Abbreviations Introduction Klyne Snodgrass The Long Shadow of Augustine John E. Phelan, Jr. Response to Ph...