Anton, the son of a rich boyar family from the South of Romania, spends his last teenage summer holiday at his parents' manor. Here, in the village, he meets Katrina and he wants to have a summer fling with her but, instead, he falls madly in love.His parents, however, have other plans. They want to have him engage to a rich girl, from a well-known family from Bucharest. Thus, the engagement takes place at the manor, against his wish. Anton and Katrina's lives take an unexpected turn and they have to part with great sorrow in their hearts. He leaves for Vienna for a while, to continue his...
Anton, the son of a rich boyar family from the South of Romania, spends his last teenage summer holiday at his parents' manor. Here, in the village, h...
Anton, fiul unor boieri bogati din sudul tarii, vine sa-si petreaca ultima vacanta de adolescent la conacul parintilor sai. Aici o intalneste pe Katrina, cu care vrea sa aiba o aventura de o vara, dar de care se indragosteste iremediabil. Parintii sai au alte planuri. Vor sa-l logodeasca cu o fata bogata, dintr-o familie renumita, din Capitala, logodna care are loc la conac, impotriva vointei lui. Viata lui si a Katrinei ia o intorsatura neprevazuta si cei doi se despart cu o mare suferinta in suflet. El pleaca pentru un timp la Viena, sa-si continue studiile, timp in care ea ajunge nevasta...
Anton, fiul unor boieri bogati din sudul tarii, vine sa-si petreaca ultima vacanta de adolescent la conacul parintilor sai. Aici o intalneste pe Katri...