Congratulations By reading THREE WISHES, you will be taking the first step towards a more rewarding life-the life you deserve You will change the very matrix of your being. Concealed in this little book is the greatest discovery of our time. You will discover how to alter your existence by simply changing your mind. This book offers simple yet powerful techniques for attracting the things you desire. This practical, easy-to-understand guide will help you quickly turn your dreams into reality. THREE WISHES is a compilation of some of the greatest self-help concepts ever devised. Its ultimate...
Congratulations By reading THREE WISHES, you will be taking the first step towards a more rewarding life-the life you deserve You will change the ve...
CONGRATULATIONS FINALLY - YOU can achieve success and happiness Learn the time-tested techniques to "do-it-yourself" and jump start your new life I'll show you exactly what you need to do to begin living your best life NOW AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE AWAITS YOU It is my solemn belief that all who read and practice the principles in this book will undergo a life change of radical proportions. The single most important element that will determine your level of success is the degree to which you understand THE IT FACTOR. THE IT FACTOR offers time-tested techniques and strategies for: * Facing and...
CONGRATULATIONS FINALLY - YOU can achieve success and happiness Learn the time-tested techniques to "do-it-yourself" and jump start your new life I...
This powerfully inspiring book, The Zacchaeus Project, is for anyone who has ever contemplated: *How to move beyond the tears of betrayal? *How to move beyond the loss of a dream? *How to move beyond the pain of resentment? *How to experience a more abundant life? You will learn the answers to these thought provoking questions and so many more as you discover the secret of The Zacchaeus Project. Why do some people seem to struggle their whole lives while others seem destined to live more abundant lives? What if you could enjoy a more abundant life without sacrificing anything you hold dear:...
This powerfully inspiring book, The Zacchaeus Project, is for anyone who has ever contemplated: *How to move beyond the tears of betrayal? *How to mov...
Thoughts are the most powerful things in the universe. You thoughts are either manifesting life or death. Many people are enslaved to their thoughts, words, and actions. This book will assist you in releasing God's unlimited power in your life. People often asked, "Where does God fit in the whole scheme of the Law of Attraction?" My reply is always the same, "Without God there can be no Law of Attraction." If you are seeking to experience more from your life, make more of yourself, learn more, do more and be more than your past has revealed. The life-changing principles In this book will show...
Thoughts are the most powerful things in the universe. You thoughts are either manifesting life or death. Many people are enslaved to their thoughts, ...
If you could meet any one person in history and ask that person one question; who would you pick and what would you ask? The Gem Mastery Series of books is a compilation of quotes from some of the greatest leaders, motivators and business people of all time. These powerful, little books are for anyone seeking motivation and inspiration to achieve their dreams - whether it is to become a better person, a more successful business person, a more effective leader or whatever your dream - you have the ability to facilitate the change you desire. These inspirational quotes leap out from the page...
If you could meet any one person in history and ask that person one question; who would you pick and what would you ask? The Gem Mastery Series of boo...
Are great salespeople born or are they made great? Can anyone learn to be a more effective salesperson? The truth is you do not need 20 years of experience, formal training, or a degree from an Ivy League University to be a more effective salesperson. Ask any qualified sales manager with more than a few years experience, if they have ever known a salesperson with no natural talents who succeeded wildly, simply because they were disciplined, focused, and relentless. No doubt, they will have names and stories. We are all in the business of selling. You are selling anytime you try to influence...
Are great salespeople born or are they made great? Can anyone learn to be a more effective salesperson? The truth is you do not need 20 years of exper...
If we are to get America back to work, it is imperative that we return to the values that made this nation great. There is a common thread among all thriving companies. They all understand the importance of customer service excellence. Legendary customer service begins with a commitment to the customer... at any cost In order to differentiate from your competition, you must stop talking about customer service excellence and start living it. This ideology must flow from the pinnacle of your organization to the very core of its foundation - persons who interact directly with your customers on...
If we are to get America back to work, it is imperative that we return to the values that made this nation great. There is a common thread among all t...
The concept of teamwork is extremely important to the success of any business. Teamwork has the potential to yield some very incredible results. For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it is at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. Teamwork as defined by Webster's New World Dictionary is "a joint action by a group of people, in which each person subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group." Great companies realize that the cultivation of teamwork within...
The concept of teamwork is extremely important to the success of any business. Teamwork has the potential to yield some very incredible results. For m...
Overcome your fear of speaking in public, get ready for that important presentation, shine on your next job interview, increase your finances, have more confidence, excel in your present job, become the life of the party, meet your significant other, whatever your goal this book can make it happen. Speaking in public is said to be the greatest fear of humankind. Some people say, "I would rather die than to speak in public." This may explain why death places a distant second to speaking in public on "American's Top 10 Phobia List." After reading this workbook, you will be able to confidently...
Overcome your fear of speaking in public, get ready for that important presentation, shine on your next job interview, increase your finances, have mo...
"America" is a powerful and inspiring book of poetry, it takes you on a journey as experienced through the imagination of the author. In this book you will discover moments of extreme humor, of profound sadness, and of marvelous joy. "America" inspires and challenges you to look at your world with new eyes.
"America" is a powerful and inspiring book of poetry, it takes you on a journey as experienced through the imagination of the author. In this book you...