Strokes of Lightning: Amazing Hero Stories The Bay Area Young Writers Anthology Volume I: Welcome to the wonderful imagination of Bay Area Young Writers These characters and many more are the heroes in this collection of writings by 37 children, ages 6 to 13. Strokes of Lightning is the first anthology published for the Bay Area Young Writers Club, a growing community with over 100 members. These stories are culled from the many workshops that we teach in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our workshops include a weekly homeschooling group, a persuasive essay course, an after-school creative...
Strokes of Lightning: Amazing Hero Stories The Bay Area Young Writers Anthology Volume I: Welcome to the wonderful imagination of Bay Area Young Write...
Real Heroes Wear Sneakers Bay Area Teen Writers, Volume 1 I felt my heart beating hard in my chest. I had to move. I had to do something. The moon shone through my window, illuminating only a section of my room. The picture frame on my dresser sparkled, catching my eye, as if shocking me into action. I got up, my legs moving mechanically in the direction of my mother's room. Don't tell anyone, I heard your voice repeat over and over. Please. I stopped, my hand resting on the cool, smooth doorknob. I took a deep breath, trying to shake the tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry," I whispered, barely...
Real Heroes Wear Sneakers Bay Area Teen Writers, Volume 1 I felt my heart beating hard in my chest. I had to move. I had to do something. The moon sho...