Margaret M. Gooch Heidi M. Thomas Christine Reynolds
A screenplay set in a fictional frame, this tale of two generations offers a questioning take on the western. Eager to head up the thriving enterprise her father made of his pioneer ranch, Hallie Bonfield returns home from school in the East to find trouble waiting. As a former romance with her ranch manager, Ken McKenna, reignites, she learns he intends to confront a neighboring rancher in a likely fatal encounter. Appalled, she strives to deter him and prevent the outbreak of a feud, but is caught up in emotions that allow latent violence to smolder. Her parents' story holds a family secret...
A screenplay set in a fictional frame, this tale of two generations offers a questioning take on the western. Eager to head up the thriving enterprise...
From her ranch home in Montana in the 1920s, Nettie Brady dreamed of joining the rodeo circuit and becoming a star. Defying her mother's wishes and trading her skirts for trousers--and riding the range with her brothers and taking on the occasional half-
From her ranch home in Montana in the 1920s, Nettie Brady dreamed of joining the rodeo circuit and becoming a star. Defying her mother's wishes and tr...
In this sequel to Cowgirl Dreams, Nettie Brady, now Nettie Moser, is working with her husband Jake to prepare for a busy rodeo season when she's offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to London to perform with the Tex Austin Wild West Troupe"
In this sequel to Cowgirl Dreams, Nettie Brady, now Nettie Moser, is working with her husband Jake to prepare for a busy rodeo season when she's offer...
When someone says "Cowgirl Up " it means rise to the occasion, don't give up, and do it all without whining or complaining. And the cowgirls of the early twentieth century did it all, just like the men, only wearing skirts and sometimes with a baby waiting behind the chutes. Women learned to rope and ride out of necessity, helping their fathers, brothers, and husbands with the ranch work. But for some women, it went further than that. They caught the fever of freedom, the thirst for adrenaline, and the thrill of competition, and many started their rodeo careers as early as age fourteen. From...
When someone says "Cowgirl Up " it means rise to the occasion, don't give up, and do it all without whining or complaining. And the cowgirls of the ea...