Christianity faces its greatest challenge yet - the rapid spread of Islam in almost every country. The purpose of this book is to alert leadership, to inform the Church and others, and to inspire Gods people to action. It relates what Islam is doing, why this is so, and how God is responding. It shows how Gods people may successfully face this challenge with confidence.
The author, Stuart Robinson, was formerly the Senior Pastor of Crossway in Melbourne. Before that he worked for 14 years in South Asia where he pioneered church planting among Muslims. He now travels extensively as a speaker...
Christianity faces its greatest challenge yet - the rapid spread of Islam in almost every country. The purpose of this book is to alert leadership, to...
As we search the scriptures, there are so many references and examples of what God wants to do within his church. However, comparatively, so often little of that seems to be happening. In that situation it is common to rationalise God's promises down to explain or excuse our leveled ineffectiveness. The better course would be, by faith to lift our expectations up to what God's Word declares should be so, to wait upon him for his vision for what he wants us to become and then to continue to wait upon him to discern how he wants us to proceed. This book is about "vision," what it is, how we get...
As we search the scriptures, there are so many references and examples of what God wants to do within his church. However, comparatively, so often lit...
THE HIDDEN HALF: Women and Islam by Dr Stuart Robinson.
Almost half of the global population of 7.2 billion people in 2013-14 was estimated to be female. This book is about women. More specifically, it is about women and Islam.
It does not seek to sensationalize the subject matter, although some information may seem that way to any reader exposed to it for the first time. Nor should it be seen as an attempt to moralize about any practices within Islam or how followers of that religion may regard or treat non-Muslim women. It simply records widespread practice and...
THE HIDDEN HALF: Women and Islam by Dr Stuart Robinson.
Almost half of the global population of 7.2 billion people in 2013-14 was ...