The East Central Europe in Exile series consists of two volumes which contain chapters written by both esteemed and renowned scholars, as well as young, aspiring researchers whose work brings a fresh, innovative approach to the study of migration. Altogether, there are thirty-eight chapters in both volumes focusing on the East Central European emigre experience in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This very same experience led to the formation of East Central Europe in exile - a powerful ethnic conglomerate of people pushed out of the region by poverty, war, persecution, and who...
The East Central Europe in Exile series consists of two volumes which contain chapters written by both esteemed and renowned scholars, as well as youn...
The East Central Europe in Exile series consists of two volumes which contain chapters written by both esteemed and renowned scholars, as well as young, aspiring researchers whose work brings a fresh, innovative approach to the study of migration. Altogether, there are thirty-eight chapters in both volumes focusing on the East Central European emigre experience in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This very same experience led to the formation of East Central Europe in exile - a powerful ethnic conglomerate of people pushed out of the region by poverty, war, persecution, and who...
The East Central Europe in Exile series consists of two volumes which contain chapters written by both esteemed and renowned scholars, as well as youn...