Everything is connected to sexuality. A broad statement, yet I believe that all of our living is built on sex and sexuality. Simply look around the environment and it is possible to see connections to sexuality. Most advertising is built on sexuality: "If I buy this thing, I will get the right partner, perfect job, or woo the person of my dream." The funniest jokes are often based on sexual innuendo. Two of the biggest social issues of the day are related to sexuality: same-sex relationships and abortion. Many of our fears about the future involve the question of whether or not we will find...
Everything is connected to sexuality. A broad statement, yet I believe that all of our living is built on sex and sexuality. Simply look around the en...
Recovery is about living a better life. Picture a life in recovery in which everything fits together like the pieces of a puzzle. Sexuality is a part of that picture--an important piece of the recovery puzzle that many people fail to examine. Sexuality is often fraught with confusion, embarrassment, fear, anxiety, shame, and avoidance. The goal of this workbook is to help you recognize the positive power and role of sexuality in your recovery, thereby creating hope and personal fulfillment in your life. By breaking the daunting subject of sexuality into smaller pieces, the workbook allows you...
Recovery is about living a better life. Picture a life in recovery in which everything fits together like the pieces of a puzzle. Sexuality is a part ...