Poetry Collection: Upon being told that I am a poet Suggested I have my work added To the local grade school curriculum Meant well but I think not... Emily Dickinson And Robert Frost I truly... am not... This is NOT what I do Though I do agree with Emily who aspires to "Dwell in the possibilities" And with Mr. Frost I concur that "The only way out is through" Like Dylan I "Do not go gentle into that good night" That is not what my poems are made of... Racism Newly found Love Motherhood And children he forgot Addiction Cocaine Loneliness And working with what you've got A working man's hands A...
Poetry Collection: Upon being told that I am a poet Suggested I have my work added To the local grade school curriculum Meant well but I think not... ...
Poetry Collection: While sleeping, received this inspiration in a dream, a message to relay and I pray nothing gets lost in the translation of this tribute ...to the things that I've learned along the way What's important, it seems, is not life's final destination Nor is it the journey that is foremost, per se Primary is what's retained... and what's shared... and what's passed on... Of the things that we learn along the way
Poetry Collection: While sleeping, received this inspiration in a dream, a message to relay and I pray nothing gets lost in the translation of this tr...