Spoon-fed Addiction is a psychological thriller novella driven by Adiran's stream of consciousness rants. Adiran is a sarcastic, nihilistic, yet charismatic young man determined to descend into the darkness that surrounds him. A small time drug dealer by trade, he will give you an intimate view into his mind and life as the night unfolds. Adiran's night begins like any other, full of self-loathing and irreverent observations about the world around him; typical of a person that has grown in an environment of drugs and apathy. A drug deal gone awry sets in motion the chain of events of this...
Spoon-fed Addiction is a psychological thriller novella driven by Adiran's stream of consciousness rants. Adiran is a sarcastic, nihilistic, yet chari...
"Sinners" is the pilot episode to the fictional animated series The CW Chronicles, a saga of cosmic proportions Narrated by Vlad, these events take place in the outskirts of a different place, a different universe, an alternate reality. What is referred to as a dimension. This particular dimension is called the Weirdiverse, and Villain, the Champion of Chaos, is on the verge of destroying it. Villain has found a way to damage the source of life in the cosmos. If he isn't stopped, life will cease to exist in all of the universes and dimensions. Reality will be destroyed. Working alongside CW,...
"Sinners" is the pilot episode to the fictional animated series The CW Chronicles, a saga of cosmic proportions Narrated by Vlad, these events take p...