Sordid Stories of an Ordinary Family is a humorous collection of short stories revolving around the quirkiness of an ordinary family living in a small town in rural America. The author combines a unique blend of storytelling styles- the charm of a Norman Rockwell painting gone awry with a sordid twist of Steven King. The stories have their over the top moments and can be a scary experience for the sensible person. Growing up mostly unsupervised, the children use murder, betrayal and trickery as forms of entertainment. The stories explore how the family deals with tragedy, birth defects, and...
Sordid Stories of an Ordinary Family is a humorous collection of short stories revolving around the quirkiness of an ordinary family living in a small...
Mexican American folk and religious healing, often referred to as curanderismo, has been a vital part of life in the Mexico-U.S. border region for centuries. A hybrid tradition made up primarily of indigenous and Iberian Catholic pharmacopeias, rituals, and notions of the self, curanderismo treats the sick person with a variety of healing modalities including herbal remedies, intercessory prayer, body massage, and energy manipulation. Curanderos, -healers, - embrace a holistic understanding of the patient, including body, soul, and community. Border...
Mexican American folk and religious healing, often referred to as curanderismo, has been a vital part of life in the Mexico-U.S. border regio...
Mexican American folk and religious healing, often referred to as curanderismo, has been a vital part of life in the Mexico-U.S. border region for centuries. A hybrid tradition made up primarily of indigenous and Iberian Catholic pharmacopeias, rituals, and notions of the self, curanderismo treats the sick person with a variety of healing modalities including herbal remedies, intercessory prayer, body massage, and energy manipulation. Curanderos, -healers, - embrace a holistic understanding of the patient, including body, soul, and community. Border...
Mexican American folk and religious healing, often referred to as curanderismo, has been a vital part of life in the Mexico-U.S. border regio...
The remarkable history of the Santuario de Chimayo, the church whose world-renowned healing powers have drawn visitors to its steps for centuries.
Nestled in a valley at the feet of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, the Santuario de Chimayo has been called the most important Catholic pilgrimage site in America. To experience the Santuario's miraculous healing dirt, pilgrims and visitors first walk into the cool, adobe church, proceeding up an aisle to the altar with its magnificent crucifix. They then turn left to enter a low-slung room filled with...
The remarkable history of the Santuario de Chimayo, the church whose world-renowned healing powers have drawn visitors to its steps for centur...
The remarkable history of the Santuario de Chimayo, the church whose world-renowned healing powers have drawn visitors to its steps for centuries.
Nestled in a valley at the feet of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, the Santuario de Chimayo has been called the most important Catholic pilgrimage site in America. To experience the Santuario's miraculous healing dirt, pilgrims and visitors first walk into the cool, adobe church, proceeding up an aisle to the altar with its magnificent crucifix. They then turn left to enter a low-slung room filled with...
The remarkable history of the Santuario de Chimayo, the church whose world-renowned healing powers have drawn visitors to its steps for centur...