For decades experiments conducted on space stations like MIR and the ISS have been gathering data in many fields of research in the natural sciences, medicine and engineering. The EU-sponsored Ulisse Internet Portal provides metadata from space experiments of all kinds and links to the data. Complementary to the portal, this book will serve as handbook listing space experiments by type of infrastructure, area of research in the life and physical sciences, data type, what their mission was, what kind of data they have collected and how one can access this data through Ulisse for further...
For decades experiments conducted on space stations like MIR and the ISS have been gathering data in many fields of research in the natural science...
Ce travail a pour objectif d'estimer prA(c)cisA(c)ment la quantitA(c) de rosA(c)e que l'on peut espA(c)rer produire par cette technologie renouvelable dans le village de Mirleft au sud d'Agadir (Maroc) et de comparer aux autres ressources alternatives de rA(c)cupA(c)ration d'eau douce (brouillard, pluie). L'eau de rosA(c)e reprA(c)sente 40 % de l'apport annuel en pluie et apparaA(R)t donc comme une composante essentielle de l'apport hydrique total. Une approche mathA(c)matique de la modA(c)lisation de la rosA(c)e a estimA(c) son rendement sur une quinzaine de sites rA(c)partis sur tout le...
Ce travail a pour objectif d'estimer prA(c)cisA(c)ment la quantitA(c) de rosA(c)e que l'on peut espA(c)rer produire par cette technologie renouvelable...
This book investigates the unique hydrodynamics and heat transfer problems that are encountered in the vicinity of the critical point of fluids. Emphasis is given on weightlessness conditions, gravity effects and thermovibrational phenomena. Near their critical point, fluids indeed obey universal behavior and become very compressible and expandable. Their comportment, when gravity effects are suppressed, becomes quite unusual.
The problems that are treated in this book are of interest to students and researchers interested in the original behavior of near-critical fluids as well as...
This book investigates the unique hydrodynamics and heat transfer problems that are encountered in the vicinity of the critical point of fluids. Em...
This book investigates the unique hydrodynamics and heat transfer problems that are encountered in the vicinity of the critical point of fluids. Emphasis is given on weightlessness conditions, gravity effects and thermovibrational phenomena. Near their critical point, fluids indeed obey universal behavior and become very compressible and expandable. Their comportment, when gravity effects are suppressed, becomes quite unusual.
The problems that are treated in this book are of interest to students and researchers interested in the original behavior of near-critical fluids as well as...
This book investigates the unique hydrodynamics and heat transfer problems that are encountered in the vicinity of the critical point of fluids. Em...