The late American-Scottish filmmaker, Alexander Mackendrick (1912-1993), directed just 9 films, his most prominent being the 1957 late noir masterpiece, Sweet Smell of Success. His early British films while staff director at Londons Ealing Studios are today considered cinematic gems, especially The Ladykillers and The Man in The White Suit, both starring Sir Alec Guinness. This scholarly book explores in great detail Mackendricks Scottish-themed films, Whisky Galore! and The Maggie. Considered benchmarks within the Celtic village film canon known as "kailyardism", both movies left lasting,...
The late American-Scottish filmmaker, Alexander Mackendrick (1912-1993), directed just 9 films, his most prominent being the 1957 late noir masterpiec...
In his signature book, award-winning television producer-director-writer & documentary filmmaker, Craig D. Forrest, provides a wealth of valuable production insights - a field manual of sorts - that include strategies, wisdom, tips and tactics meant to inspire your next digital film or video shoot to be truly professional, organized and effective. Craig's sage advice - both successes and failures - is drawn from a professional career of extensive world travel, diverse media projects and dangerous overseas assignments for leading networks, channels, agencies and groups scattered across the...
In his signature book, award-winning television producer-director-writer & documentary filmmaker, Craig D. Forrest, provides a wealth of valuable prod...
Antes de que un grupo de comando pueda invadir un pais o aterrizar en el techo de un palacio, tiene que conocer su mision estrategica. De manera similar, cualquier filmacion ambiciosa de pelicula, video o documental tiene sus diferentes desafios que se pueden volver criticos: metas, planificacion, apoyo, direccion, finanzas, comunicacion, transporte, personal, equipo, logistica, trabajo colaborativo y flexibilidad. Estos requisitos singulares deben encajarse perfectamente para cumplir con una meta final y un exito definitivo. En su libro cautivante, el productor, director, autor y...
Antes de que un grupo de comando pueda invadir un pais o aterrizar en el techo de un palacio, tiene que conocer su mision estrategica. De manera simil...