Set in the alternate world of the Five Kingdoms created by H. Beam Piper, The Hos-Blethan Affair is the seventh book in the Kalvan Saga, and written by John F. Carr & Wolfgang Diehr. The Hos-Blethan Affair is the 4th volume in the Kalvan Saga, taking place after Kalvan Kingmaker and just before, as well as at the same time, as Siege of Tarr-Hostigos by John F. Carr After their military losses in Hos-Harphax, Styphon's House uses their influence to gather the greatest army in the history of the Five Great Kingdoms. It's time to put an end to the Usurper Kalvan's rule in Hos-Hostigos. The Grand...
Set in the alternate world of the Five Kingdoms created by H. Beam Piper, The Hos-Blethan Affair is the seventh book in the Kalvan Saga, and written b...
At the end of Caveat Fuzzy, it appeared that things had settled down on Zarathustra since the slavers' reign of terror at the Fuzzy Reservation was brought to a halt. But it is only the calm before the storm. Suddenly, Fuzzies are disappearing from the Reservation, while people are spacing in from all over the Terran Federation to the colony planet of Zarathustra. The question is why? Hundreds of spaceships, from luxurious yachts to rusty freighters, are orbiting Mallorysport and flooding the spaceport with visitors. And they only want one thing: their very own Fuzzy Fuzzies are the cutest,...
At the end of Caveat Fuzzy, it appeared that things had settled down on Zarathustra since the slavers' reign of terror at the Fuzzy Reservation was br...