Once Upon a White Man - war and peace in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. This book provides intriguing insights into the dilemma faced by African-born whites trapped by modern political revolution. The author's carefree youth is replaced by the perils of combat when he becomes entangled in the front-line of Rhodesia's vicious 1970's bush war. Wounded, he is airlifted to safety just as a deal is struck that will end white rule and give birth to Zimbabwe. However, the new nation struggles to embrace democracy and before long Robert Mugabe is dragging the place back into chaos. With his homeland again in...
Once Upon a White Man - war and peace in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. This book provides intriguing insights into the dilemma faced by African-born whites t...
From a colonial childhood, to the front-line of Rhodesia's vicious civil war, to the final disintegration of Mugabe's post-colonial Zimbabwe - this is the traumatic story of a conflicted young man who experiences the tragedy of his life and homeland being torn asunder. A gripping love declaration to Africa with the troubles of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe as background, the real protagonist of this book is Africa with all her wonders and horrors. "Highly recommended for lovers of the continent, especially those longing for a well-balanced and honest insider's account of recent African history (B. Pataki...
From a colonial childhood, to the front-line of Rhodesia's vicious civil war, to the final disintegration of Mugabe's post-colonial Zimbabwe - this is...