Beyond the urban sprawl of a Pacific Northwest city lurks the peculiar little town of Providence and in it, an organic farmer named Joe Parker. Joe's lurid story, or rather this particular piece of it, begins when Sheriff Caine fashions the big idea to grow jalapenos, albeit with questionable methods. The gritty scheme is plucked from the undercurrent of the sheriff's self-righteous mind and carried out with the help of Joe's skill, two local agents, and a coroner. Everything is progressing as planned. That is, until Vera Cruz, a prostitute and girlfriend of a drug dealer, is delivered late...
Beyond the urban sprawl of a Pacific Northwest city lurks the peculiar little town of Providence and in it, an organic farmer named Joe Parker. Joe's ...
There are three sides to every story. Take a mental image, Divide it three ways, You'll read all the angles in... Triptychs * This collection includes 20 short stories, four poems, and eight high quality photographs. *
There are three sides to every story. Take a mental image, Divide it three ways, You'll read all the angles in... Triptychs * This collection includes...