Antioxidants from supplements, food sources and the environment have a cumulative effect of dangerously lowering protective prooxidant levels, which "allows" for disease manifestation and coexistence of diseases. Today's marketing of antioxidants is all about sales and has nothing to do with science-based evidence. Scientific data has shown for years that the antioxidant vitamins can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and overall mortality. Yet, this information is ignored or denied by those "pushing" these potentially harmful products. None of the synthetic antioxidants work...
Antioxidants from supplements, food sources and the environment have a cumulative effect of dangerously lowering protective prooxidant levels, which "...
Dr. Howes recommends that patients should be counseled against using antioxidant supplements to prevent or treat cancer. Dr. Howes presents 118 human studies showing antioxidant ineffectiveness in cancer treatment and of this, 39 studies show harmful effects. Dr. Howes presents 27 specific human cancer cell types which are shielded by antioxidants in lab studies and 9 similar murine (rodent) studies. There are over 11 million human participants in these studies, covering over 3 decades. Over 26 studies show that the antioxidants increase the risk of cancer development and 2 studies show that...
Dr. Howes recommends that patients should be counseled against using antioxidant supplements to prevent or treat cancer. Dr. Howes presents 118 human ...
Heart Disease and Antioxidant Failures is a compilation of over 100 antioxidant studies which have failed to prevent, reverse or cure heart diseases, such as atherosclerosis, plaque formation and hypertension. Of these studies, 30 study reports showed antioxidants having harmful heart adverse effects. People are taking potentially dangerous antioxidants unnecessarily and are wasting their money. Deceptive antioxidant marketing practices concerning so-called "heart-healthy antioxidants" have been exposed by Dr. Howes. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America and around...
Heart Disease and Antioxidant Failures is a compilation of over 100 antioxidant studies which have failed to prevent, reverse or cure heart diseases, ...
In Antioxidant Failures and Dangers, Dr. Howes presents 316 study reports showing the ineffectiveness of common antioxidants, including vitamins A, C & E, resveratrol, lycopene (tomatoes), flavonoids (chocolate), omega-3 fish oil, ferulic acid, quercetin, pine tree extract, pomegranate juice, etc. Shockingly, 90 of these study reports reveal harmful (adverse) effects associated with the use of these antioxidants, ranging from increased risk of cancer to increased risk of heart disease and stroke. There are also over a dozen reports showing an increased overall mortality risk. Dr. Howes...
In Antioxidant Failures and Dangers, Dr. Howes presents 316 study reports showing the ineffectiveness of common antioxidants, including vitamins A, C ...
Antioxidants have been touted as being so-called "anti-aging" agents and many aggressive sales campaigns have been based on this false premise. However, clear scientific evidence that antioxidants can inhibit or delay aging is lacking. Nutritional and genetic interventions to boost antioxidants have failed to increase the life span of man. Correlations between antioxidant levels and rate of aging are inconsistent and non-supportive. Questions remain as to any role for antioxidants in delaying the aging process. Actually, the theory upon which the antioxidants were studied was the free radical...
Antioxidants have been touted as being so-called "anti-aging" agents and many aggressive sales campaigns have been based on this false premise. Howeve...
A recent study showed over 60% of athletes use common antioxidant vitamin supplements, of which 97.5% used vitamin C, 78.3% used vitamin E and 52.2% used multivitamins. This is even higher than the average population and is done because athletes, coaches, trainers, sports doctors and dieticians have been misled to believe that excessive antioxidants will give the athlete an edge over their competitors or make them perform better than those not taking antioxidant supplements. But, this outdated notion needs careful scientific evaluation. Dr. Howes' extensive previous work has reported on over...
A recent study showed over 60% of athletes use common antioxidant vitamin supplements, of which 97.5% used vitamin C, 78.3% used vitamin E and 52.2% u...
Dr. Howes presents over 500 scientific reports showing the ineffectiveness of common antioxidants and of these, over 170 studies show harmful effects. This should not be surprising, since our very survival depends on imperative oxidative biochemical pathways. Dr. Howes discusses seven crucial oxidative pathways, including pathogen protection, cancer protection, wound healing, energy production, detoxification, immunity and cellular signaling, which can be blocked or interfered with by "antioxidant stacking or overkill." Thus, it is a no-brainer that antioxidant overload can cause inadvertent...
Dr. Howes presents over 500 scientific reports showing the ineffectiveness of common antioxidants and of these, over 170 studies show harmful effects....
The Nth Degree follows the escapades of a medical doctor, who is also a scientist and a surgeon, along his zigzagging path for intellectual enlightenment, from the road of traditional medicine to the realm of the paranormal....and beyond. His quest for knowledge leads him into the shadowy and dangerous sphere of the unknown potential of the human brain and spirit. The central character, Dr. Kenneth Messenger, takes the reader on a perilous journey inside today's top medical institutions and into the paranormal realm of auras, astral travel and psychic healing. It is Dr. Howes' first book in a...
The Nth Degree follows the escapades of a medical doctor, who is also a scientist and a surgeon, along his zigzagging path for intellectual enlightenm...
Alzheimer's Disease: Forget Antioxidants & Supplements is a book presenting the scientific facts regarding the failure of these agents to prevent or reverse this disease. As our life spans increase, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is fast becoming a terrifying scourge for mankind, as it robs its victims of their memories and families of their finances. There are about 28 drugs in development for treating Alzheimer's but there are no promises of a pending success at hand. Painfully, I watched my dear mother succumb to this dreaded disease and hope that my in depth research into oxygen metabolism will...
Alzheimer's Disease: Forget Antioxidants & Supplements is a book presenting the scientific facts regarding the failure of these agents to prevent or r...
The author, Dr. Howes, has interwoven accepted genetic engineering, gene therapy, viral carriers and plant life to demonstrate the fact that lines of demarcation between medical fact and science fiction can become a blend, making it difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between the two. The reader is taken on a journey through today's top research institutions and into the realm of gene therapy, auras and trying to determine the limits of genetic engineering. It raises questions concerning the advisability of combining the human and viral genome. It also deals with the age old battle...
The author, Dr. Howes, has interwoven accepted genetic engineering, gene therapy, viral carriers and plant life to demonstrate the fact that lines of ...