Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Politik - Politische Systeme - Allgemeines und Vergleiche, Note: 1,7, FernUniversitat Hagen, Veranstaltung: Demokratie und Regieren im Vergleich, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Anzahl von Militarregimen auf der Welt erreichte Anfang der 1970er Jahre ihren Hohepunkt und wurde im Zuge der dritten Demokratisierungswelle nachhaltig reduziert. Heute jedoch sprechen Forscher im Zusammenhang der politikwissenschaftlichen Relevanz autoritarer Regime vereinzelt wieder von einer regelrechten Revitalisierung in den letzten Jahren. Mit Mauretanien und...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Politik - Politische Systeme - Allgemeines und Vergleiche, Note: 1,7, FernUniversitat Hagen, Veranstalt...
Covers the skills and competences that enable the logistics industry to perform its role effectively. Survey results suggest that around the world the industry struggles to find and retain properly skilled personnel. The report reviews initiatives and policies to enhance the skills and create quality logistics jobs.
Covers the skills and competences that enable the logistics industry to perform its role effectively. Survey results suggest that around the world the...
Logistics and supply chain management is facing disruptive economic, technological and climate change developments that require new strategies. New technologies such as the Internet-of-Things, digital manufacturing or blockchain are emerging quickly and could provide competitive advantage to those companies that leverage the technologies smartly while managers that do not adopt and embrace change could be left behind. Last but perhaps most important for mankind, sustainability aspects such as low-carbon transportation, closed loop supply chains or socially-responsible supply chain setups will...
Logistics and supply chain management is facing disruptive economic, technological and climate change developments that require new strategies. New te...