Sami Gjoka is an Albanian American Poet. He lives and works in Arlington Virginia. "If I Go To Hell" Comes after Gjoka's Masterpiece: "Shadows Speak In Riddles," Kirkus Books Review about Shadows Speak In Riddles: ..". The author offers a supreme command of language, image and metaphor, and readers will find themselves lost in those poems that touch them deeply. He is versatile in his poetic structure, alternating between moments of breeziness and brutality without sacrificing the beauty of language or the intensity of his images. Though translated from the original Albanian (with the...
Sami Gjoka is an Albanian American Poet. He lives and works in Arlington Virginia. "If I Go To Hell" Comes after Gjoka's Masterpiece: "Shadows Speak I...
Nje veper e fuqishme dhe briliante Nje elegji e trishtuar e identitetit, qe sjelle lot nder sy. Absolutisht prekese e mahnitese qe there zemren me fjalet me te zgjedhura; nje beteje mes demoneve te forcave te erreta dhe energjise hyjnore te prej qielli, brenda cdo guaske njerezore: "Nga ku ikim prej boshllekut/ per te mbushur universin"; nje thirrme e perpjekje per te ndryshuar planetin, e rrenuar nga lakmia, dhe urrejtje, ku njereriu shfaqet neper te "jo te shlodhet e zbavitet, por te qaje e te vuaj, i mallkuar te pergjaket/ por kurre, kurre i bekuar" ne nje truall te denje, per te jetuar....
Nje veper e fuqishme dhe briliante Nje elegji e trishtuar e identitetit, qe sjelle lot nder sy. Absolutisht prekese e mahnitese qe there zemren me fj...
Clarion Review Gjoka's poems flow naturally from theme to theme, candidly narrating human desires and fears. In a volume of poetry that runs the gamut from beautiful and candid to vulgar and hyperbolic, Sami Gjoka exposes human nature in all its savage and heartbreaking permutations. With a modern approach and intensity, We Shall Meet in Other Deaths uses patriotism, mysticism, and complex relationships to tell Gjoka's unique story as an Albanian American living and experiencing middle age in America. Drawing from insightful observation and speculation, Gjoka defines, mourns, and celebrates...
Clarion Review Gjoka's poems flow naturally from theme to theme, candidly narrating human desires and fears. In a volume of poetry that runs the gamut...
Definately a book for every school library. A book for any one lamenting the injustice of this world. A book for people who have lost a loved one. This is masterpiece, promoting the divine spirit to the mundane world. A Poem that must be read in every church and every mosque. A fantastic contribution to better our world and improve our lives.
Definately a book for every school library. A book for any one lamenting the injustice of this world. A book for people who have lost a loved one. Thi...