Spanning a variety of genres fantasy, science fiction, horror and time periods, Silvia Moreno-Garcia's exceptional debut collection features short stories infused with Mexican folklore yet firmly rooted in a reality that transforms as the fantastic erodes the rational. This speculative fiction compilation, lyrical and tender, quirky and cutting, weaves the fantastic and the horrific alongside the touchingly human. Perplexing and absorbing, the stories lift the veil of reality to expose the realms of what lies beyond with creatures that shed their skin and roam the night, vampires in Mexico...
Spanning a variety of genres fantasy, science fiction, horror and time periods, Silvia Moreno-Garcia's exceptional debut collection features short sto...
They emerge from the shadows, to claim the night .... Women from around the world delve into Lovecraftian depths, penning and illustrating a variety of Weird horrors. The pale and secretive Lavinia wanders through the woods, Asenath is a precocious teenager with an attitude, and the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Nitocris has found a new body in distant America. And do you have time to hear a word from our beloved mother Shub-Niggurath? Defiant, destructive, terrifying, and harrowing, the women in She Walks in Shadows are monsters and mothers, heroes and devourers. Observe them in all their glory....
They emerge from the shadows, to claim the night .... Women from around the world delve into Lovecraftian depths, penning and illustrating a variety o...
Stan bardzo dobry - książka była czytana, ale jeszcze długo posłuży innym czytelnikom. Ma ślady używania - otwierania i kartkowania, rysy, zabrudzenia. Wygląda jak książka, którą wypożyczasz w bibliotece.
Stan bardzo dobry - książka była czytana, ale jeszcze długo posłuży innym czytelnikom. Ma ślady używania - otwierania i kartkowania, rysy, zab...