This classic Gothic-horror novella follows the perspective of Laura, a young girl who becomes drawn to a beautiful stranger despite her feelings of repulsion and dread. A stranger who's past is so engulfed in darkness and mystery that a shadow of unknown horror seems to linger in the background. Upon her arrival to a small rural Styrian town, the inhabitants find themselves afflicted with strange sickness and mysterious death. A sickness that this stranger is also plagued with. As Laura befriends her, a conflict of feelings and fear overwhelm the senses as she loses herself in the struggle...
This classic Gothic-horror novella follows the perspective of Laura, a young girl who becomes drawn to a beautiful stranger despite her feelings of re...
This masterpiece was written by George Catlin between the years 1832 and 1839 as a collection of notes, letters and paintings which illustrate his travels throughout North America. His paintings comprised the first record to illustrate the Plains Indians and their homelands to the west of the Mississippi River. It wasn't until Catlin's work that allowed the American colonists of the eastern states to visualize and truly understand the conditions of the Pawnees, the Blackfeet and Crows, the Sioux and even the wild Comanches; learning the ways of native life and their customs. It still holds to...
This masterpiece was written by George Catlin between the years 1832 and 1839 as a collection of notes, letters and paintings which illustrate his tra...
This masterpiece was written by George Catlin between the years 1832 and 1839 as a collection of notes, letters and paintings that illustrate his travels throughout North America. His paintings comprised the first record to illustrate the Plains Indians and their homelands to the West of the Mississippi River. It wasn't until Catlin's work that allowed the American colonists of the eastern states to visualize and truly understand the conditions of the Pawnees, the Blackfeet and Crows, the Sioux, and even the wild Comanches; learning the ways of a native life and their customs. It still holds...
This masterpiece was written by George Catlin between the years 1832 and 1839 as a collection of notes, letters and paintings that illustrate his trav...