An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that is equipped with necessary data processing units, sensors, automatic control and communications systems, and is capable of performing autonomously flight missions without a human pilot. Unmanned Rotorcraft Systems provides a complete treatment of the design of fully autonomous miniature rotorcraft UAVs. It is an integration of advanced technologies developed in communications, computing and control areas. In particular, it focuses on:
-the systematic hardware construction;
-software systems integration;
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that is equipped with necessary data processing units, sensors, automatic control and communication...
This book explores the research and development of fully-functional miniature rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It also provides a complete treatment of their design and examines possible future research directions.
This book explores the research and development of fully-functional miniature rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It also provides a complete t...