Popular myths about love set us up for a struggle with real life. The inconvenient truth is there's no such thing as a perfect partner, all couples fight, and feelings of love come and go like the weather. But that doesn't mean you can't have a joyful and romantic relationship. Through a simple program based on the revolutionary new mindfulness-...
Popular myths about love set us up for a struggle with real life. The inconvenient truth is there's no such thing as a perfect partner, all couples fi...
The life-changing practice of applied mindfulness called ACT is made even more accessible in this fun and easy-to-understand volume that illustrates all the principles with entertaining cartoons. There's this idea going around that we're always supposed to be happy--and it's making us miserable. The good news is, if you can learn to let go of that impossible expectation, your life will be a whole lot happier. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a simple, self-administered therapy that uses mindfulness to enable you to do just that. This fun, illustrated guide to the method...
The life-changing practice of applied mindfulness called ACT is made even more accessible in this fun and easy-to-understand volume that illustrate...