In a universe where dragons are supreme sentient beings, divination rituals and knowledge of human magical evolution has led to the belief that eight humans will be born with extraordinary supernatural abilities that will give them the power to challenge dragons. Divided into two factions-the Draca Debellos: conquerors of worlds to fuel their powerful magic, and the Draca Tueri: protectors of the worlds and their sentient beings-they tirelessly search for these gifted children to train and bond with to help in their eternal struggle and attempt to end their tenuous deadlock. Both sides are...
In a universe where dragons are supreme sentient beings, divination rituals and knowledge of human magical evolution has led to the belief that eight ...
And they cant help but wonder what lies in store for them all.
The wonderful tale of the young Draca Wards continues. After surviving their initial confrontation with various dragons, it is now apparent that children are indeed a force to be reckoned with. Realizing this, the Academy Headmaster, the Debellos dragon Humo, changes tactics and directs his deadly attention on Galen and Princess Jania. Sanguis continues her schemes to make Rohen her own. And the sinister dragon Obitus has also formed a dangerous plot to recover the child druid Megan. But...
The children grow, the dragons watch.
And they cant help but wonder what lies in store for them all.
Whether princess of peasant, Healer or warrior; Their destinies are intertwined. They just dont know it yet.
The evil headmaster and his allies have been thwarted, but the teen wards still have some growing up to do. Studies become harder, romances begin to take hold, and war begins to touch their lives as Humo shifts his evil plans for world domination into full gear. And Humo is not the only threat the wards face.
From illness to fireballs, the Debellos use every trick they can to vanquish the wards. And when the two powerful countries of Syntrea and Massea stand at the brink of war, the...
Whether princess of peasant, Healer or warrior; Their destinies are intertwined. They just dont know it yet.
The wards are children no longer... The Academy wards are now full-grown and powerful, but have yet to complete school. And although they have proven themselves more than worthy of their destinies, friendships are now put to the test. Rohen and Jamu's rivalry reaches a critical peak, and Galen is drawn into their conflict. Academy politics drives a wedge between Ben and Jania. Megan's feelings for Yar begin to waver as her heart strays. A spurned love exacts deadly revenge while a secret crush threatens to grow dangerously out of hand. And as the young humans question their relationships and...
The wards are children no longer... The Academy wards are now full-grown and powerful, but have yet to complete school. And although they have proven ...
Two wards are gone Will the others stand a chance without them? The Syntrea and Academy massacres were averted thanks to the wards, but they have suffered a serious setback. Rohen has fled the Academy with Galen to save her from Humo, leaving the others behind, stunned and struggling to deal with their loss. Humo's terrible plan has failed, but the evil Headmaster is unaware. He believes that Galen is dead. And now her brother Ben is his next target. The dragons now watch closely, waiting for the opportunity to strike while the wards are apart and vulnerable. Rohen and Galen are gone. Megan...
Two wards are gone Will the others stand a chance without them? The Syntrea and Academy massacres were averted thanks to the wards, but they have suf...