"Love On Trial" is the third fictional legal novel in "The Taylor Series." It continues the life story of John Taylor, a Palm Beach trial attorney and his wife Anna, an elementary school teacher. The legal plot in "Love On Trial" involves a divorce case where child custody of three young siblings is at stake. In the book, John and Anna Taylor make a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the clergyman who has been a source of strength and inspiration to them. It is a journey which will forever change their lives.
"Love On Trial" is the third fictional legal novel in "The Taylor Series." It continues the life story of John Taylor, a Palm Beach trial attorney and...
Paul Turk's debut novel follows the lives of John and Anna Taylor, high school sweethearts who marry soon after John graduates from law school. By their mid-thirties, the Taylors have achieved the American dream - prestigous careers, a sprawling home in Palm Beach, and exotic vacations to locations around the world. Although John and Anna's relationship seemed to be made in heaven, a tragic death followed by an unexpected arrest puts them through the fires of hell. These stormy trials will test their confidence in God and the strength of their love. Only time will tell if their faith- and...
Paul Turk's debut novel follows the lives of John and Anna Taylor, high school sweethearts who marry soon after John graduates from law school. By the...
Paul Turk's sequel to "Faith Beyond The Trials" continues to follow the lives of John and Anna Taylor. In "Trials of Hope," John has returned to the practice of law and becomes embroiled in a high stakes will contest between two wealthy siblings who are acrimonious rivals. To further compound matters, the attorney on the other side of the case is the same lawyer who sued John over the automobile accident he was involved in. In addition to the pressures bearing upon both John and Anna as a result of the probate litigation, the Taylors are also faced with the issue as to whether Anna will be...
Paul Turk's sequel to "Faith Beyond The Trials" continues to follow the lives of John and Anna Taylor. In "Trials of Hope," John has returned to the p...