Death's territory is a slow, sapping territory. Death's home is a slow, sapping home. It is a slow, sapping territory that pops up where it chooses to pop up and it is a slow, sapping territory that affects those whom it chooses to affect. The coffee house, the bar. Political canaries. Thugs. Manipulators. Lowlifes. Currencies of kills. Night creatures. History's games bemoan a draw. Kills skirt perfection. History's games bemoan honor, purpose, strength. History sets traps. Death sets traps. Atonement. Survival. Empires built, deployed. Time is a stage. Actors act through of time. She was...
Death's territory is a slow, sapping territory. Death's home is a slow, sapping home. It is a slow, sapping territory that pops up where it chooses to...
Lust Games: An Essay on Honor, 58, 000 words, an examination of power, honor, the will to conquer, to endure. Time, passion, bloodlessness; concepts of survival, integrity, victory, two lovers, a muse........ Knowledge is good, understanding sublime. Honor is to be cherished, defined, fought for, worked through, taken as prize, as gift. Honor is to be handled, recognized, acted upon against all powers, all odds. Good and true becomes good and true....... Power hungry bastards, cynical chiselers, low rent power plays, high rent power vacuums, parades of fools, saps, territorial battles in...
Lust Games: An Essay on Honor, 58, 000 words, an examination of power, honor, the will to conquer, to endure. Time, passion, bloodlessness; concepts o...