Book Description Advance Warning, The Rise of Individualism "Advance Warning" What happened to all the jobs? What happened to all the prosperity Americans enjoyed? What is needed to get it all back? In Advance Warning, the background is presented, the cause is identified and a solution is advocated which will restore the American dollar and buying power to the American people and achieve prosperity. Advance Warning provides a unique analysis, de-mystifies economics, provides insightful observations and advocates the common sense solution to return to the days of prosperity means to return to...
Book Description Advance Warning, The Rise of Individualism "Advance Warning" What happened to all the jobs? What happened to all the prosperity Ameri...
There is a Higher Power. There are fixed precepts that shape our lives in this world and in the next. If you know them, then you can make choices so that you receive the blessings, the Lord's Joy, Protection and Prosperity or otherwise your life appears fortuitous and you repeat cycles and behaviors. Are you interested in making positive changes in life and receiving the Blessings and the Protection of God Almighty, and entering into the Joy of the Lord, the Higher Power, the Creator God, the Protector, the Holy One, the Redeemer? You can...
Tune-In Heaven, Blessings, Protection and Joy
There is a Higher Power. There are fixed precepts that shape our lives in this world and in the...