A training manual for those involved in adult education. The re-invention of adult education by Elder & Barnabei With commentary by national speakers, trainers and educators
A training manual for those involved in adult education. The re-invention of adult education by Elder & Barnabei With commentary by national speakers,...
You have received your real estate license but where do you go from here? What questions do you ask, what do you start working on to help facilitate a successful career as a real estate agent? This book will help answer many of those questions. The book is written by a real estate instructor and owner of a real estate company with over 18 years of experience; it is a fun and easy to read field guide that takes you step by step in starting up your real estate career. Written in the format of a hiking guidebook it makes understanding what it takes to succeed in the business of residential sales...
You have received your real estate license but where do you go from here? What questions do you ask, what do you start working on to help facilitate a...