Die Herzchirurgie zahlt zu den modernsten chirurgischen Disziplinen. Operationen sind fester Teil der Behandlung bei komplexen Herzerkrankungen. Sie konkurrieren aber auch zunehmend mit interventionellen Verfahren. Das Buch bietet einen kompakten Uberblick uber die wichtigsten Eingriffe sowie uber alternative Verfahren und neue Entwicklungen. Alle Bereiche des klinischen Managements werden abgedeckt. Leser profitieren von der langen Erfahrung der Autoren, die alle ausgewiesenen Experten aus herzchirurgischen Zentren im deutschsprachigen Raum sind."
Die Herzchirurgie zahlt zu den modernsten chirurgischen Disziplinen. Operationen sind fester Teil der Behandlung bei komplexen Herzerkrankungen. Sie k...
The discovery of vitamins in the early 1900s, their later chemical characterization and the clarification of pivotal metabolic functions are sequential aspects of a brilliant chapter in the history of modern nutritional sciences and medicine. The name, derived from "vital-amines," indicates their elementary metabolic key functions in human metabolism. Vitamins are truly families of compounds, which include precursors and various free and bound forms, all with individual roles in metabolism and function. A more recent approach therefore searches for the components, the understanding of...
The discovery of vitamins in the early 1900s, their later chemical characterization and the clarification of pivotal metabolic functions are sequen...
This book follows the concept of perceiving the entire aorta as one functional organ assuming that all individual pathologies and local interventional procedures affect the up- and downstream segments with consequences for complications and disease progression.
This book follows the concept of perceiving the entire aorta as one functional organ assuming that all individual pathologies and local interventional...